The Nature Concervancy - Hassayampa

One of my favorite little towns in Arizona is Wickenburg. Rich in history, lush desert, mountain views, and the Hassayampa River. All along the river there are Cottonwoods, beautiful in the summer rich green and in the winter, bare & purpleish. Just on the outskirts of town is the Preserve cared for by the Nature Conservancy. During the heat of the summer it is only open on Fri. Sat. Sun.. There is an old ranch house , displays about the wildlife, bunkhouse made of adobe, and trails. Take the time to pull off the highway down the little dirt road to the Visitor Center. See Bernadine for any questions and to get all kinds of information. Wear boots, the brush is thick and the trails sandy. But what a wonderful surprise when you take the Lions trail and come to the cool running water of the River. When you get into town, take the street to your right just before the big intersection that leads to Vegas. The restaurant Anitas is fun for good margaritas & chips. Also check out on next to Bashas is the Little Red School house, go in, it's worth it. Arizona Plein Air Painters will be painting the school house and the Preserve for a show in 2009. More on this great western town coming as I will be painting there quite a bit. Don't let the heat keep you from painting, just find shade!


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