We are really getting the snow this year, more than I can remember in a long time. When you paint from life you soon learn that you don't have much control of your subject- a lot like life- and I have learned to paint what is around you. It is not that important what the subject is, but how you handle the subject. Dead looking trees and snow in winter can get real old after several months. But take a fresh look at what might seem ho hum to you and make it wow to the viewer. Knowing a subject toooo well can be a handycap- we put down what we know is there and tend to be much less observant. When ever possible put your self in not the most idea situations- too hot- too cold- too windy- and start and complete a piece in one session. Stay fairly small in size - use larger brushes than you are comfortable with- and really look- notice- if you see the the little cool things about a scene so will your viewer. Turn you canvas in a direction you would not have chosen right off the bat. The artist's that really catch my attentiion seem to be the ones who do a subject just a little differently- they forced me to see new- be one of those artists- remember- not all our paintings are keepers but they are all a learning experience and a good thing. This painting is of the area around Peach Springs up on the Indian Res. it is called "Need Chains?"