Monday Painters

Wanted to spread the word!!

We are the Monday Painters (plein air). It is a new group. We will start meeting on Monday, November 1st and meet every Monday through April, weather permitting!

We will meet on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Starbucks on Tatum and Shea (NE corner). Decide at that time where we go to paint and head out and do it!!

Paint from 9 to noon. Bring your lunch and we will eat and do a critique. You can put a painting in the critique if you want or not, no requirement.

I am sure the same people will not show up every Monday but this is casual, no worries group!

Basically we are just prompting plein air painting. Just meet up and go paint. No phone calls, no emails … no complications. No planning ahead, just meet up and paint!!

If you are interested, just show up!!

Examples of painting sites we might consider:
Needle Rock

Pima/Dynamite area

McDowell Mt Park

Bush Hwy

Saguaro Lake area

Downtown Scottsdale

Bring any location ideas and make a suggestion!

Let’s paint!!


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