Gouache - and sketching
Yes, I do push drawing & sketching alot. That is because we all need to improve our skills. Most of the time I use watercolor, it travels easily, drys fast. But sometimes I use gouache. It is an opaque water based paint that illustrators have used for years. It drys with a mat finish so it photographs well with out glare or shine. While traveling in New Mexico I brought along small tubes of gouache and worked up a few drawings in color in my sketchbook. This kind of paint works best on smoother paper, soft brushes and very little water. It can be a real trick to get used to working with it but the results are worth it. I have used these for Christmas cards, they reproduce real nicely. You can find gouache at any art supply store, Jerrys and Az Art Supply carry it. Just buy red, yellow, blue, white. That's all you really need. Remember, it is an opaque so it will not work like transparent watercolor. Each coat you put down will cover what was below it.