Watercolor Journals
For all you ladies that braved the heat to start your venture into watercolor today- thank you. I was so worried that May 10th would be a record high in the 100's, it got warm, but everyone seemed to have fun anyway. I hope you were able to relax, just paint and not worry about how good it was, or any one making a judgment on your work. Hold next Mothers Day as the day you will pull out this first journal and look at your first watercolor. Even if you can only draw in your journal once a week or less, you will still see improvement. Don't hesitate to write me with any problems or just maybe you need a little push to the next level. If I can't answer your questions I will find out who can! Read further down this blog to see more into on other watercolor artists who are great with journals and some cool assignments to try with your paints. Watch my website and this blog for info on next fall at The Farm. I will be the artist in res. there in late October. Plans are in the works for some day long workshops in oils, watercolors and maybe some printmaking. Oil painting lessons will be once a week during that time, set around the beginner, or someone who used to work in oils but it was a very loooooong time ago. You can write me at cindyLcarrillo@yahoo.com or contact@cindycarrillo.com. My website is www.cindycarrillo.com. Keep your w/c bag with you all the time, the heat in the car won't have any effect on it at all. Everyone has to start somewhere, the best artists all were beginners at one time. Put away your expectations and paint. Stop by Jerry's Art store and check out all the cool watercolors & supplies. Have fun, and just Paint!